Robert Craig Winery Drop 1
Robert Craig Winery Drop 1
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Robert Craig Wine NFT in partnership with Cuvée Collective. Robert Craig Winery is a hidden gem in Napa Valley, consistently producing highly acclaimed Cabernet Sauvignon from hillside appellations. The Robert Craig NFT provides private access to the estate property at the summit of Howell Mountain, and a customized tasting of past, present, and future vintages of their most sought-after wines. NFT holders will receive an etched and hand-painted bottle of Robert's Block Cabernet Sauvignon, which is 1 of only 300 bottles produced per year. In addition, NFT holders can reserve a digital experience with President and CEO, Elton Slone with the option to have additional wines shipped to their location. There are 51 Robert Craig Wine NFTs available.



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322 (55.52%)


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